Tuesday, July 20, 2004


A group started transforming the church office into a prayer room tonight.  While we were praying about the room I was thinking of the shifts I signed up for.  I can't wait.  The cool thing is that while I was feeling this I got this sense that neither can God, He's looking forward to this way more than I am.  He's not just looking forward to my prayer slots, but every single person's.  It amazes me how God can love us so much as individuals, how intimately He knows each person, almost as if each one was the only one.  At the same time He's able to build unity into groups, teach people lessons together, cause people to grow as a group, and work through a time of corporate prayer like the 40 days coming up.  It kinda blows my mind how He does it all; He's too awesome for me to ever understand.

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