Sunday, November 07, 2004

in and not of?

John 3:17 John 13:35 John 18:36 James 4:4 1 John 2:15

I’ve been thinking about this verse since the last time I posted. In the world but not of it. What does that mean? I think Christians get this switched backwards a lot. Often we are of the world but not in it.

What do I mean of the world but not in it? I mean we are legalistic. We’re anti-culture. (I don’t know if this is a problem with Christians in Europe but I see it here in the U.S. way too much.) We are against Hollywood, homosexuals, secular music, dance, and the list goes on. It’s quite long in some circles. American Christianity seems to have its own culture that’s even been recognized by the secular media. We are not in the world. Yet strangely I’ve noticed we are often of the world. Just like everyone else we’re cliquish, closed and unloving to anyone who’s different. Just like everyone else we force our standards on others and get offended when they refuse to conform. Even unbelievers face our judgement. We shun the ones Jesus made a point of hanging out with. We behave as if we were of the world.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I believe there’s a place for standards. There is definitely a place to stand up and say that something is wrong. I also am aware that everyone has their set of weaknesses and there are things in this world that trigger those weaknesses. There are things about pop-culture that are wrong, vulgar, or cause a person to stumble into sin. Of course these should be avoided. I don’t think we should choose to always watch and listen to and do what the world does. I also don’t think we should shun it just because it was the creation of someone who is not a follower of Jesus.

So what do I think it means to be in the world but not of it? I think it means knowing the issues that turn their hearts. Embracing culture and art while listening carefully to God and being open to any changes or standards He might set. Simultaneously refusing to compromise purity and refusing to hide away from the world. How can we reach people if we’re hiding? We need to be in the world yet not of it. How will they know we’re not of this world? Our love. (John 13:35) People who are readily accepting of those who are not a part of their group. They are loving towards those with different ideas. The kind who are not afraid and won’t be shaken from the standards God has given, yet never condemn those who don’t follow the same standard. There is a fragrance of a love from another dimension. Something that could only come from God. This is how they will see that we’re not just a group with different ideas which at its heart is essentially the same as them, but a group deeply changed at the heart.

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