Thursday, December 09, 2004


Check out Acts 9:1-5

I was reading Acts again recently and I noticed something in this passage. So Saul's persecuting the church and Jesus appears to him and asks, "Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" I was thinking about that. Saul wasn't persecuting Jesus, He was persecuting the church, right? Wait, if the body of Christ is the church, then to persecute the church is to persecute Jesus. It would be ridiculous to beat someone up, leave their head untouched and say that you didn't beat them you beat their body. I used to be like that. I separated in my mind Jesus from His body the church. I used to be hurt and bitter towards the church. Recently God showed me that I had to let go of the last scraps of bitterness I held onto against segments of the church. He showed me that I was hurting Jesus with my attitudes towards His beloved bride the church. Jesus keep teaching me to love Your bride like You do and see her with Your eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes God wants us to love the church as he loves the the church, but at the same time I am reminded of what Paul said to the church at Sardis in Revelation 3. I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. So even though yes he loves the church there are times God writes Ichabod, the glory of the Lord has departed on the door and leaves. So we can still love those churchs and people but use caution!