Sunday, March 13, 2005


Wednesday I found out that Jamie, a friend of mine, died in a car accident. I feel numb, she was only a few months older than me. She was kinda a member of my family, we shared my grandparents. Well...My sister Jacque gives a better description of her here.

Jamie was definitely one of my best friends in Sidney Nebraska, where she lived. Whenever I was in Sidney she would get together and do stuff with my younger sisters and I. She also would invite me along to do stuff with her and her friends. She even let me go with her to a sleep-over once. She was very kind, smiled a lot, cool, and quite pretty. She had plenty of friends without me. I was very shy through most of my teen years so it really meant a lot to me that she often went so out of her way to make me feel like a part of whatever group she invited me into.

It almost doesn't seem possible that she's dead so quickly.

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