Sunday, May 29, 2005

revenge of the sith

I just watched Episode III with my dad and sisters. This is the second time this week. I'm a nerd about Star Wars. I can name most of the ships, planets, and characters, especially in the original three. Which I have practically memorized, wearing out the copies I had on VHS before getting them on DVD.

It's interesting the differences between the original three and the latest additions to the story. Obviously the graphics are much better and the lightsaber fights are way faster and better choreographed. Aside from the obvious, I noticed two other big things that have changed.

The next most obvious thing that has changed is Yoda. He's way cuter, more expressive, and one bad little green blur with a lightsaber. No one can even try to stop him when he's in action. The way he talks is different too. It really got on my nerves the way he says everything backwards, "Good relations with the Wookies I have." Maybe he's always talked like that, I guess he's had a bigger role recently. Yoda has also always talked like a Buddhist, but it's way more obvious now. This is especially true of this final episode, "You must learn to let go of all that you care about." Interesting thought, what is life without caring?

The other thing that has changed is the view of good and evil. It's interesting, in the original three good is a purer shade of white and evil is black. In the new ones they are much more confused; coming out as dark grey and light grey. The dark side is obviously bad but the light side also makes a lot of mistakes, leaving Anakin confused and easy prey for Lord Sidious. I guess real life is like that though, hind-sight is 20/20 so by the time Luke Skywalker arrives on the scene everybody knows who is the oppressor and who isn't.

I hope I don't sound negative. I'm not trying to be. Over all I liked the movie. It was sad watching Anakin fall though.


Anonymous said...

you are a nerd but that's ok so am I. just not as bad as you.

jacki said...

some ppl find it odd how we can quote different parts of them

Anonymous said...

It was a good movie, but it's sad that Anakin went from a gracious young man to a ruthless, arrogant person, just so he could save his wife from dying. Palpatine tricked him. It has the same allegory of the endtimes in the bible. Jesus said, Be compassionate just like your Father is(Luke 6:31-36). Recieve the charity of God or you'll spend eternity in hell.