Saturday, July 16, 2005


She's dead
They slowly strangled her
Lips close to her ear
Whispering love

The outer shell remains
But the inside is devastated
Emptied of all good

Through the dark
Is there always hope of morning?
Can the shattered heart be rebuilt?
Will ashes be redeemed?

Yes is the answer I see
Reflected in Your confident eyes
Is there anything else I know?

The walking dead sees a sunrise
Feels the beat of life within
Though a world turns to ash
Those ashes are still in Your hands

In Your hands life is created
Dreams once dead awake and breathe
Now more real than ever they could've been

Crippled legs learn to walk again
And then the impossible - they learn to run
Yet something will never be the same
For the death was real

But I find You waiting, smiling
To show me the joy of what You're doing
Redeeming all that was shattered

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

yea i did, thanks