Friday, October 21, 2005

first shot

Today is a milestone in my life. I gave my first shot today! I gave it to my supervisor. It was waaay easier than I thought it would be.

I'm also excited because Immanuel's fall retreat starts later today. It's such a good time for comunity and hearing from God. I've had a rather hard couple of weeks for some odd reason. I'm really looking forward to stoping everything to be with God and the church.


mt said...

Hi my name is Matt. I was procrastinating homework I have to do by hitting "next blog" and found your site. I noticed you are a Christian. May God bless you with a stonger love for his Son.


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes homework. I'm glad you found some thing better to be doing. :P

Jennifer I gave grandma a shot, so there.

Jenn said...

Congrats Jennifer!!!

jacki said...

have fun adding people to your list of "shot by me"