chase v. 1. To pursue in order to catch or overtake. 2. To follow in order to capture 3. To follow earnestly or regularly; run after
Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer... ARe you sure you've been to france? (have you ever LIVED in france? what's your total country count?)
**sigh**it's nine, 4% of the world according to the web site where i got this. no, i've never lived in france, but i'm working on it ;)(how many continents have you visited?)
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Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer...
ARe you sure you've been to france?
(have you ever LIVED in france? what's your total country count?)
it's nine, 4% of the world according to the web site where i got this.
no, i've never lived in france, but i'm working on it ;)
(how many continents have you visited?)
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