A bunch of people got together and watched the movie Luther tonight, the movie about Martin Luther. I really like this movie. I like studying the people in history who did things totally unprecedented. Their courage is so admirable whether they are a scientist, inventor, social worker, reformer, or missionary. They stand facing an impossible wall of what’s never been done before, they count the cost of change, and they go for it despite the doubt.
I especially like Martin Luther. He could’ve been killed for what he believed. When he was on trial for heresy he was told to recant. His answer was unless you can prove to me, from the scriptures, that I have erred I will not recant. Here I stand, I can do no other. That’s one of my favorite lines in history: “Here I stand, I can do no other.”
As I watched Luther with my friends I noticed something interesting. The movie was not made by a Christian film company. They did their research well, and the story was pretty accurate, but it’s the way they portrayed Martin as a priest that impressed me.
When Martin accepts the position he’s struggling with his faith. While he’s there he studies the Bible and his faith comes alive. Meanwhile as a priest he does his best to help those entrusted to him. He tenderly helps the poor and those who are either confused about God or trapped by religious fears. Loving people and seeking the truth are more important to him than the traditions of his time. He also preaches hope and freedom to people who’ve been caught in a performance-oriented religion. He also will not compromise what he believes even when faced with death. Yet Martin struggles just like anyone; he’s not a perfect saint.
I’m thinking, is this the Christianity that the world is looking for? Honest hunger for truth, no compromise, sincere love for everyone including those who make mistakes, a gentle confidence when speaking the truth, and a message of hope rather than of condemnation? Is that what the world wants? This really isn’t the “relevancy” that much of the church seems to strive for. His stand was that of no compromise. However, there is love, understanding, hope, and sensitivity that cut through any barrier.
Interesting, I read so much talk in the church on how to be relevant. Maybe the world doesn’t want relevance. Maybe it just wants sincerity, gentleness, truth, hope, and love. Really, that’s the heart of what we should be anyway.
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Good stuff. Hey, what's it rated?
PG-13 for some violence.
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