Sunday, November 11, 2007

blessed are.....

So we've been going through the Sermon on the Mount in the MDS. Very good study which I am much liking. (Are you allowed to say that in English? Oh, well.) After five weeks we have finally come to Matthew 5:6 which says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."

I have read and even memorized this passage in the past but I'm seeing it in a new light this time. One thing is that the Greek word for righteousness can be translated either justice or righteousness. It's the same word in Greek. This is also true in Spanish and French. The word carries both the meanings. So the verse could read, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice/righteousness for they shall be satisfied."

Okay I know I'm more interested in linguistics than most people, but this is actually important because it gives the verse a deeper meaning than the English language allows. I usually take it as I need to be hungry to be righteous in my own heart and life. It also means I need to be hungry to see justice in the world around me, to see the oppressed freed and the hungry fed. Deeper no?

Now usually I just think about the first part of the verse and forget the second part. The second part is a promise. Those who hunger and thirst for justice/righteousness will be satisfied. They will be satisfied. Sometimes it's really easy for me to look at my heart and at the world around me and feel like I'll never see justice/righteousness. It's easy for me to feel like it's a lost cause today. Not only in my own heart but in the hearts of everyone in my generation. But here's a promise that those who really want it are going to be satisfied. That's big.


jacki said...

I never knew that.
I so need to look words in the Bible up more

friscojudy said...

Thanks for sharing that. It reminds me--- Isaac gave me a cd to listen to, awhile back. An English man shares quite casually about how when His Kingdom comes in all its fullness, that everything that is and has been and will be wrong in this earth will be made right...e.g. The humble will be lifted up, the poor in spirit will receive the Kingdom, the proud will be humbled, those who go to and fro weeping will come again with shouts of joy, etc. There are so many examples in the Word as you know. So as we wait for all the promises of justice and righteousness, we can anticipate---we will be satisfied!