Sunday, June 22, 2008


I just read a very interesting article on Focus on the Family's websight PluggedIn. This is my first time looking at this sight; I wanted to check on a movie for my littlest sister. While looking up the movie I needed to check on I found this article. It is some thoughts on our postmodern culture and the rising popularity of superhero movies. It seems like a relativist culture would not enjoy superhero movies because they are full of absolutes; right and wrong, good and evil, heros and villains. Yet superhero movies do very well in the box office.

Deep in our hearts I think that humanity knows truth, we just get mixed up sometimes. I wonder, like the writer of this article, if the rise of hero movies could be tied to something deeper. Are people longing to know what is right and to give their lives - even sacrifice to be a hero, do right, and make the world a better place? I think so. I see a lot of apathy in my generation, yet I also see this side that wants to be a hero, that is extreme and thrill - seeking. I'm praying that we embrace our extreme side before age and life settle in and we forget our dreams of making a difference in the world around us.

1 comment:

I P said...

interesting point about superheroes and postmodern culture. Personally, I'm not sure I can agree with the article... The portrayal of superheroes has changed drastically throughout the generations, and so I think that the movies now have a relativist message...