Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do Blogs Ever Die?

Once again it's been more than a year since my last post.  My vast reading audience must be wondering why I don't put this blog out of its misery and delete it.  That's a fair question.  I keep having this dream that someday I will be motivated again, and have time. 

Today I'm stuck between printing Bible study books on my office printer and planning the middle school girls' housechurch for tonight.  There's not much else I can do with this poor old computer while I print.  I keep thinking, "This time, this time will be different. This time I'll make this blog live again."  Who knows?  Maybe I will one of these days.


jacki said...

Blogs don't die, they have to be killed.
Yours is just the blog of a negligent owner. ;)

Jennifer said...

Negligent may be putting it mildly.

jacki said...
