Wednesday, July 14, 2004


I am reading a book called Red Moon Rising. I just finished a part about a man who regularly smuggled Bibles behind the Iron curtain. Part of his job description was expecting to spend at least two years in jail and training for the interrogation that would come with an arrest. He even had a hand written letter prepared and waiting with friends to be sent to his parents upon his arrest. It was the life he felt God wanted him to live. Dangerous? Of course. More fulfilling than the "career conveyor belt" his friends were busy on at home? No doubt.

I want that. A life of adventures for God with the chance to be arrested, to live in hiding, be shot at, starved, hated, and yes maybe even die. Even as I type this I wonder if I'm just being idealistic. Would I really be willing to go through that for God? To be honest I don't know. Typing is one thing; living is a completely different story. I only know I don't want to live a long, safe, comfortable life which I look back on wondering whether I really served God much at all. I want to live on the edge. I know I don't have to go anywhere to do it, though I would like to be a missionary. What's stopping me? If I can't do it here in Colorado, can I do it anywhere?

"If you have run with footman and they have tired you out,
Then how can you compete with horses?
If you fall down in a land of peace,
How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?"
Jeremiah 12:5

God teach me to run with horses......


Anonymous said...

Very true. Amy Carmichael was a missionary before she ever set foot in India.

Nobody said...

We should keep each other accountable on this, Jennifer. I feel the same way.