Sunday, October 17, 2004

kansas city

The trip to Kansas City was pretty good. A group of eleven of the housechurch leaders from Immanuel Fellowship drove from Summit, very long drive. I don't mind though I like driving with people, even if we don't talk much I can watch my friends sleep. I like the way people look when they sleep, so innocent and peaceful. Some people that's the only time they look innocent and peaceful. :P

All the speakers were very good as well imho. It was cool to hear the experienced church planters talk about the Bride of Christ, vision, the Kingdom of God, and set backs in ministry. I felt like God called me to plant churches (hopefully in other countries eventually) when I was seventeen. At the time I was really shy and didn't have much vision for the church anyway. I was wondering why on earth God chose me. One of the speakers also used to not have any vision for the church, he spoke powerfully on how you really can't love Christ without loving His bride.

I also got to eat lunch with Pete Greig (who wrote the book Red Moon Rising), his wife Sammie, and their very cute little boy Daniel. It was defiantly a high point of the trip to hear how things are going for 24-7 Prayer. They were also just fun to hang out with. Overall a really great trip, can't wait till next year.


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, did you ride in the same car as isaac?

Jennifer said...

Yes, why?

Anonymous said...

Cuz I was just thinking that might be the person that looks innocent while he sleeps but that is the only time he looks innocent :)

jacki said...
