Monday, February 07, 2005


Today is Isaac's 18th birthday. In honor of the occasion we threw him a birthday party and had the best game of freeze ever. Poor Isaac went through three scenes in which he was being beaten with a rolled-up magazine! We also put together a scrapbook of encouraging birthday notes from all his friends and tried to get as many out of town people as possible.

I've known Isaac since just after he turned thirteen. He's grown a lot in five years and taught me much. When I first met him I'd been on three summer mission trips with Teen Mania but my vision would fade between summers. His vision was way more consistent than mine and he was younger. I used to think I had to wait till I grew up before I really had a vision that was steady. He also taught me to go after the vision in prayer for the nations and in knowing what's going on in the world. I've grown a lot in these areas, but I still look up to him in regards to vision. (Literally! :p)

My dog Sarah shares a birthday with Isaac, she is turning five today. (I think I've teased Isaac about this as long as I've known him, will I ever grow up?) She's a very cute brown Labrador. She was also the runt and consequentially is still undersized and looks like a puppy. Sarah still has her puppy fur too so she's very soft.

Anyway, happy birthday to both of you!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to both of them. btw jennifer nice typo:D ~Joanie

Jennifer said...

Sorry, about that "perviest typo" as Joanie called it. But since Isaac is in England maybe he didn't see it. *blush*

jacki said...

Isaac is cool