Tuesday, November 15, 2005

flat tire

So after last night's loveliness my two-wheel-drive car was stuck in the driveway. I got a ride to work, when I got off at 13:00 I dug it out.....only to discover a completely flat tire. Eric, a neighbor of Bobby and Brianna, chaged it for me and I took the car to the tire place right there in Frisco. I needed some winter tires anyway, no big deal.

The problem was that somehow me and all four of the other people working on this group paper for biology class thought that the paper was due at 16:00 today. And I had agreed to be responsible for making our five seperate sections into one paper! Sure I was about to let all these people down by ruining everything I called Jenn after leaving the tire place. Half in panic with my cell battery warning me it was about to die I asked her to give me a ride to Silverthorne, the next town so I could try to get the paper finished. She came right away but by the time I got homw it was already after 15:00!

I hadn't eaten lunch and I still had to find a ride to class in Dillon. (For those who don't know the area there are three small towns all within 10 minutes of eachother, so we all act like they're just suberbs of eachother.) Desperate, I called the teacher to beg for mercy and guess what he said? He said that the paper isn't due till next Tuesday! My head is saved.

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