Friday, January 06, 2006


things to do before I die

1. go to Antarctica
2. live in London
3. learn to speak with a proper British accent
4. successfully smuggle Bibles
5. learn to speak French
6. go on a medical mission trip
7. go to Alaska

things I cannot do

1. be somewhere I don’t feel wanted
2. focus for more than five minutes
3. trust a guy who has a crush on me
4. speak French understandably
5. stay calm when I’m really excited
6. watch people hurt other people
7. drink coffee and like it

things I say most often

1. go away! (while laughing)
2. I don’t know
3. grrrrr
4. boys! arg.....
5. we can take my car
6. brilliant
7. I’m sorry, could you repeat that, I quit paying attention there.....

books I love

1. the Bible
2. Till we Have Faces
3. A Tale of Three Kings
4. Quo Vidas
5. A Chance to Die
6. Red Moon Rising
7. The Vision

movies I could watch over and over

1. Narnia
2. The Runaway Bride
3. Batman Begins
4. Chicken Run
5. Starwars
6. The Neverending Story
7. X-Men

people to do this next

1. Jacque

I can’t think of anyone else who hasn’t already done this.....


jacki said...


"I'm sorry, could you repeat that, I quit paying attention there....."

Yep, I have heard you say that one before...

Unknown said...

why can't you trust guys who have crushes on you?

(not that i'm admitting something here, of course not! cough, ahem, erm...)