Wednesday, April 05, 2006

1st green

I went snowboarding today with Stephanie. She's a very good snowboarder and has been teaching me. She is Swiss/French and speaks very little English, and I speak even less French. So she tells me what to do in French and demonstrates then I, not understanding a word of it, just try to copy her movements. It's fun. :p

She took me on my first green today. (I've been boarding twice before but didn't have much time on either ocaision.) It was waaay steeper than the bunny hill. I fell down so much that I bruised both knees right through the knee pads I was wearing. But I also got to the point where I could just ride and ride without falling for a long time. Quite a feat when you consider how hopelessly klumsy I can be. I'm happy....and my arms are sore from catching so many falls. :s :)


jacki said...

I want to go!

I P said...

I thought you were going to ski? :'(

Jennifer said...

i don't have the cordination for such a feat. so sorry.... :(