Thursday, September 28, 2006

last night

Tonight the housechurch had a game and prayer night as our last time together as one housechurch. We played worst case scenarios. My team was badly trounced. Then Mike, who had decided to join us tonight, took some time to talk to us about what we’re doing and our vision.

After Mike’s talk the two new housechurches that will be starting next week prayed for each other. This is the first time I’ve been involved in a housechurch multiplication. Even though we’ve been planning it for quite awhile now actually splitting is kinda weird. Half of these people that I’ve been with as a housechurch for a long time and now suddenly I won’t see them quite as often. As a larger church we do a lot together but it will still be different not being in a housechurch together.

In a way it’s a little sad. I know from experience that all those relationships will change. I’m not naturally a person who always takes changes in relationships very easily. I don’t exactly make friends very quickly; nor do I let them go easily. It seems like a peace of my heart is always taken when a friend leaves.

At the same time though, I see the vision and the reasons we multiply. I think it’s a cool example of God’s grace, how we can go through changes as a church, allowing new people to become a part, watching people leave, and still remain open to relationships. I also look forward to the adventure of starting something new…

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Stop the presses!

I just realized that in the year 2060 I will be 77 years old. That is sooo far away - like 54 years away. Seventy-seven seems impossible. I'll never be 77, what are you talking about Jennifer? The oldest I can imagine myself being is about 32, unmarried, and of course no kids. The thought of being 77 having been married and possibly a kid or two (but those kids would be adults by then) is so weird. It hurts my brain to think about it. Like not that is scares me at all it's just so foreign, like trying to think about infinity. I can't quite get my head around this thought. Maybe cause I've never really thought about being as old as 77 before today. It's crazyiness! I am not going to feel young and immortal forever. My life on earth will get old and end someday. Like I knew that but I hadn't really thought about it like this before. So very odd.

Another odd thing. So I told Marie about this strange revelation. What does she tell me? She tells me that March, little March who I went to school with when she was 13 and I was 18, is now 18 and married! March is married! I haven't seen her since she was 13 and so her being married is so weird. Not only that, but when I got on Myspace to see a picture of her (I didn't know she had Myspace and haven't seen a pic since she moved away) I discovered that her older brother who's my age has a kid! Benjamin having a kid is also very strange.

So between attending the weddings of two good friends, finding out March is married, learning that Benjamin has a kid, and realizing that someday I'll be 77, I am have a really trippy day.

Life is so bizarre.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hannah & Erick

Hannah and Erick got married today. I'm sooo happy for them. They are two people who have a whole lot of my respect. Their whole relationship was a great example of purity for all of us singles.

Hannah used to disciple Becka and I in this little group we called a life group. She had us reading and memorizing; I loved it. The two of them used to say that because I, on no uncertain terms, did not want to ever get married that I would be the first to get married. I strongly disagreed of course. Well, that was when I was 16, now I'm 22 and I say, "HA! I was not the first to get married!" As you can see I haven't matured much. :P Well, maybe I've matured a little, I may be slightly more willing to get married one of these days - as long as it's not too soon. However, that little thought might be from the romance of seeing two good friends get married in the same week so don't tell anyone I said that and don't quote me. ;)

My gloating done, (don't you just love being right?) I've got to move on to other things. Hannah had Bill and her older brother Joel speak during the ceremony. It was very sweet having her brother do the exchanging of rings and vows part. Her dad did the part where he pronounces them husband and wife and said, "you may now kiss the bride." Then there was a reception during which it snowed the whole time which was lovely and romantic. The place was very well decorated. ;) Our work this week paid off. There was dancing. Sacha and Jacque taught me some steps and danced with me, so did Marie and Angela. Then I got to use them because for the first time ever a boy, Juan, actually asked me to dance with him. Juan is a good dancer and had the patience to teach me how to dance as we went along. He also didn't seem to mind too much when I stepped on his shoes with my heels.

Then Hannah and Erick were off, escaping into her car as we all threw bird seed at them. (Strange tradition.) The car had to have a few inches of snow brushed off of it and then the were off, very slowly because there was a lot of snow on the ground and they don't have 4-wheel drive. But they were off to the honeymoon and the rest of us were left to clean up the lovely wedding mess....

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

storms and a promise

Ok, so today I have that rare bit of time for my blog. Crazy when that happens. I just switched to Beta and was exploring and I got to looking at all my old posts in the post editing section. I only read a few and mostly only looked over the old titles and drafts. Wow, God’s been crazy faithful to me these last couple of years. I haven’t exactly deserved it; none of us do though I guess.

It’s a good reminder for me these days. Life’s been a bit too much lately. I’m taking nine credits and working full time and I’m beginning to wonder what I’ve gotten myself into this semester. I’m feeling more relationally challenged than usual because I’m mad at the whole world (almost) and I don’t know why. Not knowing why I’m mad makes me mad. :p In a shift of responsibilities at work over the last month and a half I’ve taken on a few more chores than I had before. Office work is not my specialty to begin with and now I’m usually doing several things at once and always messing at least one of them up. My brain feels like it’s gonna melt. Some days after work I go home, go to my room and cry because I’m so stressed. My friends probably all think I’m mad at them. : (

But God has been teaching me some important stuff.

Mostly I’m learning about love – and how bad I am at it. God doesn’t love like I do. I tend to wait for people to love and make me feel accepted first. Then I’m willing to love back. My love is timid and His is not. Leadership needs to be first loving and serving. I’m not a very good leader because I’m very demanding and needy when it comes to feeling loved. God’s been telling me that this just means that I need to run to Him more and find my security there. I really need to love people more like God does. I’m shockingly bad at this (well maybe not shockingly bad; I just wanted to use that word, it’s a very dramatic word), but the good news is that God wouldn’t be showing me this unless He wanted me to grow.

So storms today but a promise tomorrow…..

Saturday, September 16, 2006

emily's wedding

Emily and Walter got married today. It was a cute little small wedding. One violin for music. Emily looked so pretty in her dress. Everything was simple. I really liked the way they did it. For the reception we hung out around a campfire while it tried to snow. I'm super happy for them and praying for God to bless their decision to get married. It's crazy having your friends getting married and seeing them so happy. (I love seeing my friends happy but the married part is a bit wierd.) Especiallly for schoolmates like Emily. Emily was great to be in school with. She's really out-going and always make me laugh. I'm glad she married a guy like Walter who laughs easily and often. The're so cute. :D

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

leaders retreat

We had our housechurch leaders retreat this week. That’s not exactly the best way to describe it because many of us (including myself) are technically not housechurch leaders. However, for lack of a better, trendier emerging churchish lable, I’ll be calling this the housechurch leaders retreat. :p

I really look forward to this retreat. The housechurch leaders are fairly close-knit group. This year we had three new couples with us, which was cool. We spent some time talking about being culturally relevant and still following God. Then Mike gave us a church history lesson of the last forty years. It’s interesting; historically waves of revival in the church always bring some change. Usually some people find that change hard to accept. As we talked about church movements that have taken place in the last forty years I thought of what would be hard for me to accept. Hmmm…… I’d never want to be someone who stood against anything God did. I quietly asked God to keep me listening to Him and keep me flexible.

We also studied 1 Thessalonians 2:3-12. It’s an example of how Paul approached his responsibility towards people as a leader. It had a lot to say about love and humility. That was the part that stuck out and convicted me the most. I need to love people. God’s done a lot in me this last six months or so. Six months ago I was too burnt and bitter to hear something like “love people.” God’s been speaking to me a lot about having Christ-like love for people around me regardless of weather or not they love me back. I’m not very good at loving so I’ve been asking God to change me a lot these last few months.