Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Playing a Professional

Today I spent most of my time feeling like a little girl who'd raided her mother's clothset, was attending a business meeting in said attire, and was hoping desperately that no one noticed she didn't belong there.

Why feel this way? I went to a seminar on social media marketing in Denver. I tried extra hard to dress professionally so that people wouldn't think I was under 19. This preoccupation made me feel more awkward than usual. I tried arriving in Denver early and shopping the blues away, but looking for clothes only made me feel more inept at choosing clothes. Finally I gave up and went early to the library where the seminar was to be held. Ah, books. So much better than shopping.

P.S. Despite the awkwardness I never quite managed to shake (Why didn't I just wear jeans and let them think I'm a kid? Not like I'll see any of them again anyway.), I did have a great time and learned a lot. :D

1 comment:

I P said...

books usually beat out clothes...

If someone judges you too much by clothes, their judgement probably isn't very good anyway. :)